Thursday, May 14, 2009

cliche is as cliche does

i just took the "when will you get married?" quiz on facebook, and the result was.. 45! Jeez, i dont want to be some old cat lady with no man to love to.. i mean, 45??? Gosh, even carrie of sex and the city (which she referred herself to as "the most unbelieving of women in marriage") got married at the age of 40! even more ironic, my dream is to be married at the age of at least 25. ha ha. it's not that i'd believe some stupid quiz or what, but when i checked the answers, it came out that most of my answers is "because of true love". it got me thinking, is true love too cliche too ask? or is there no such thing as true love?

anyway, i've been doing nothing much this weekend. just lay my ass off and watch dvds. but yesterday i went to bandung with my friends. well, the trip wasnt turned out to be the-most-amazing-trip-ever like the singapore-malaysia trip, but it was fun. and i had a culinary tour with ami. wew think i'll gain some weight by the time the school started. thats it for today, nothin much to tell anyway.. bye guys

1 comment:

  1. aquarian.......... always dreamed of true love. idem idem
